Albio Sires tweeted the following:
"The House just passed the Right to Contraception Act. It is astonishing that in 2022, there is a debate on womens right to bodily autonomy. Democrats brought this bill to the floor to codify the right to contraception and stay a step ahead of planned attacks on that right."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Albio Sires:
"A new 24/7 help line for mental health crises launched this week. If you or someone you know is facing a mental health or substance-related crisis, call or text 988, the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline, to speak to trained counselors. Learn more here:" on July 20Read on Twitter
"Yesterday, the House voted to protect same sex marriage to prevent SCOTUS from dismantling the landmark Obergefell v. Hodges decision the way they did with Roe. I was proud to support the Defense of Marriage Act and I urge the Senate to act to codify this right." on July 20Read on Twitter
"I will continue to support the democratic aspirations of the Cuban people while calling on my colleagues to do the same." on July 11Read on Twitter