Albio Sires tweeted the following:
"In 2020, a man who had appeared before Judge Salas in court came to her home and shot her son and husband, killing her son. Currently, federal judges have no protection unless there is a threat of violence, and in this case, there was no warning before her family was attacked."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Albio Sires:
"Today, Judge Esther Salas joined our @HispanicCaucus meeting to discuss the need to pass the Daniel Anderl Judicial Security and Privacy Act. I am a proud cosponsor of this bill which would protect federal judges and their families from dangerous threat."Read on Twitter
"The Court majority reflects an outdated interpretation of the 2nd amendment, which was not written in a time when people had access to AR-15s. The court showed they are not concerned with protecting the lives of Americans, including almost 21,000 dead from gun violence this year."Read on Twitter
"I am frustrated that SCOTUS is blind to how the abundance of guns have made us unsafe. In the middle of a gun violence epidemic, the conservative court made it more difficult for states to pass gun safety laws."Read on Twitter